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Sample Contract

This is a sample contract for a pet Maine Coon male kitten between xxxxxx and Sherry Campbell (seller) SEX: Male   DOB: 6/8/2017 COLOR: Red classic tabby and white  PRICE: $XXXX  SIRE: CFA Grand Champion Mainesuspect Sheru DAM: Tropikoons Pleiades of Mainesuspect. Seller provides buyer with registration slip and health record. 


FVRC vaccine given 8/6/17. FVRCP vaccine 8/22/17. Breeder’s cats are leukemia-free and kitten does not need feline leukemia vaccine or FIP vaccination. Kitten saw vet at Angel City Animal Hospital on ______Please make appointment with your vet within 10 days of pick-up. 


HEALTH GUARANTEE: By signing you acknowledge and agree that kittens are live animals and as such we can't truly guarantee their health. We can only compensate within a reasonable amount of time if kitten should die. Compensation terms: Seller will refund purchase price should kitten die before 1 year with veterinary documentation of heritable defect. Illness costs are born completely by buyer. Seller is never responsible for kitten/cat vet bills or transportation at any time for any reason.  _______ (buyer initials) 


Pet health insurance is highly recommended. Trupanion is excellent.

Your vet will decide what further shots kitten needs.

Buyer will never declaw cat, never let outdoors, never place except in loving indoor-only pet home. Kitten will have free run of new owners’ home, once acclimatedi and have loving care and attention, as well as veterinary care as needed. Kitten should be neutered/spayed no earlier than 7 months of age. Buyer needs to make arrangements in advance for cat care should buyer become very ill or pass.


Kitten needs fresh water daily, yearly routine veterinary health checks and food that is primarily protein derived from meat and not grains or starch. Always read dry ingredients, Three or four of first five should be meat based.  


Kittens eats Viva Raw combined with canned Fancy Feast kitten food. I feed poultry varieties. Kittens and cats eat Instinct Original Chicken dry which is left available to free feed. Both dry and canned are available at and Petco. We supplement with NuVet Plus. 


Kitten needs to be contained initially in small area with litter box so kitten completely knows where litter box is. Do not skip this.

I use  Breeze litter system as well as crystal. Use whatever you wish.


Kittens are live animals and seller does not indefinitely guarantee health, as that is not practical with a living entity. Purchaser should take kitten to their vet within 10 working days and if vet states in writing this kitten has a serious health issue, seller may return kitten for a full refund. Buyer is responsible for all vet and transport charges.


Pet insurance discount        Declined________   Purchased__________


_______________________________________           _____________________________________

Purchaser                                               Date                         Seller                                                      Date

Purchaser’s email and phone number:

THOUGHTS ABOUT VACCINES: today many believe over-vaccinating is an unnecessary and dangerous challenge to the immune system. I agree. We don't recommend vaccinating your pet yearly. We do recommend a yearly check up. We don't recommend the leukemia (felv) vaccine. However, if you live in a home with young children or careless adults, if your doors are open and shut a lot, think twice. If there is a good chance your cat will get outdoors, then prevention is worth it.  Rabies is required by law in many states so that is beyond your control. Your vet is trained to give lots of shots. You may come up against resistance. I can only recommend. In the end, your vet's word is professional

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